Sunday, July 31, 2011

Good Driver

Unable to withstand the snail-like behavior of Alex driving down the road, Sam decided to take over the wheel.

Sam: Hey, tardy Alex! I'm gonna need you to pull over.

Alex: What?! Why?

Sam: Do you even have a license?

Alex: Of course.

Sam: I sincerely doubt that.

Alex: Don't be an idiot. I'm a good at driving.

Sam: Yea. Me-Crazy. That's what you're driving!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Serious Pillow Talks

Alex has been tossing and turning on bed. She couldn't fall asleep because of the obnoxious project.

Alex: Set me free.

Sam: Set you on fire seems rather interesting.

Alex: Get out of my mind! (Yes, they are telepath-ing.)

Sam: How did you find out I'm in your mind?

Alex: You're so dead.

Sam: Alright then. If this is what you want, I now pronounce you a freed-Alex.

Alex: Thank you!

Sam: Don't mention it. And good luck on your project!

Alex: Tee-hee.

Sam: Aren't you gonna thank me again?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gross Posing System

Sam likes to second guest everything. He has trust issues. However, heading to an exotic city, he is going to need a GPS. Sam refers it to Gross Posing System. Yes. He does not like how it poses in the car.

Anyway, after spending half day on the road, Sam did not manage to get to whatever place he was going. Why? Alex will tell you why.

Alex: This idiot never listened to the directions told!

This is what had transpired, again and again and again and again and again.


GPS: In three hundred meters, turn left.

Sam: Yea. Like I'd believe you.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

How Common Do You Say

Alex: How common do you find common sense common?

Sam: Common-wealth?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dirty Sports

Alex: Sam! Do you want to play baseball?

Sam: First base, second base or third?

Alex: How dare you... You know what?! I was thinking of a home run, but bases are fine.

Sam: Damn!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Serious Readings

As usual, Sam was reading a story - Fishing in Miagao - written by Florence Yul N. Saquian. The story narrates a small seaside town that taught the author so much about the world. (Alex thought in case you ponder, you can have a read here.)

Anyway, when Sam reads through this particular part "I would also hunt for beetles that fed on the buds at the apex of the trees and invent new monkey swings. But every time I did that, I would end up breaking an arm", instead of making him sentimental, he wondered,

"Seriously, how many arms do you have?"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Not Enough Time?

Alex: Heck! I'm running out of time! I need more time!

Sam: Why are you running out of time when you need more time? You should stay in it instead of running out of it! Isn't it?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Paintball Competition II

After Sam's refusal to join the competition (part I - here), Alex braced herself to face the challenge.

Surprisingly, Alex turned out to be the first runner-up of the paintball competition. As the organiser put it,

"Congratulations to our first runner-up, who successfully painted 27 balls in ten minutes."

Yea. It really was a paint-ball competition. Sam was right, always.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Beautiful Misunderstanding

The conversation below took place at a stairway. Sam was standing on the top, and Alex was standing on the bottom.

Sam: I'm gonna beat the crap out of you!

Alex: Come down, man.

It ended up with Sam beating the crap out of Alex. After a few weeks, Sam apologised to Alex.

Sam: I'm sorry.

Alex: I told you to calm down but you never listened.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Milo's Best Ambassador

Who do you think it would be the best ambassador for Nestle Milo?

Sam: Baby Milo!

Alex: Or, Milo Ventimiglia. Your pick.